Slab Splitting

Slab splitting is the process of cutting a stone slab along the thin plane to create multiple slabs from a single piece. The finished slabs are backed with honeycomb panels or other materials depending on your project requirements.

The process starts with scoring the edges of the slabs to be split before the stone proceeds to the diamond wire above.

Honeycomb Backed Stone

Slab splitting with honeycomb backing reduces the weight as much as 80%. This allows stone to be used in areas where light weight materials are required, cladding, elevator lobbies, etc. Slabs can be cut as thin as 1/4″.

Honeycomb backed stone

Split slab panels are impervious to moisture penetration, which can cause mold and mildew; a real problem with typical masonry construction.

The panels are earthquake resistant, thanks to their ability to flex without breaking.

Water is filtered and recycled in house.